
Address at the prayer vigil as part of the priests’ Jubilee

A “Priests’ Jubilee” was held in Rome from May 14 to 18, which ended with a Eucharistic concelebration in St. Peter’s Square in which more than four thousand priests participated. It coincided with the Holy Father’s eightieth birthday.

Among the numerous ceremonies that took place during those days, a prayer vigil was held on May 17th in which persons from all over the world spoke of priestly witness in the 20th Century. Bishop Javier Echevarría spoke about the priestly example of Blessed Josemaria, on the day that marked the eighth anniversary of his beatification.[2]

[2] Cf. Address of the Prelate on page 63.

Romana, n. 30, January-June 2000, p. 0.

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