
Bogota -- A Corpus Christi Procession

On Thursday, May 26, the feast of Corpus Christi on the universal calendar, a Eucharistic procession was held at the University of La Sabana for the first time. This ceremony was in response to the wish expressed by the Holy Father that, during this year, the Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ be celebrated with special solemnity.

The procession was presided over by the Vice-Chancellor of the University, Msgr. Hernan Salcedo Plazas, with over 600 people taking part, including students, professors, friends, and neighbors. It began at the main chapel of the university and crossed through a large part of the campus, from the Plaza de los Balcones to the Glorieta de los Sauces, from there to the School of Medicine, then to the School of Administration, passing by the Shrine of the Mother of Fairest Love, finally returning to the main chapel. The path was decorated with an abundance of flowers, while the university choir accompanied the procession with songs in honor of the Blessed Sacrament.

Many participants expressed the desire to have the Corpus Christi procession become a yearly event on the campus.

Romana, n. 40, January-June 2005, p. 147.

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