
Learning to Love and other documentaries on St. Josemaría

Learning to Love: a Dialogue with St. Josemaría Escrivá. A new DVD produced by Juan Martin Ezratty combines filmed encounters with St. Josemaría and the testimony of various people who try to live his teachings in their daily life. This is an initiative of the Office of Communications of Opus Dei in Argentina.

The Footsteps of a Saint. On January 23 a DVD was officially released in Valencia, Spain, on St. Josemaría’s visit to the city in 1972.

The reportage contains fragments of filmed get-togethers that St. Josemaría held with groups of families, young people, and priests during his 1972 visit. The DVD as a whole offers a good synthesis of the principal points of his preaching on sanctifying one’s work and daily duties. In addition, some of the people who took part in those gatherings speak about their recollections 35 years later. The DVD also includes a meeting of St. Josemaría with families at the Guadalaviar School.

Romana, n. 46, January-June 2008, p. 119-120.

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