
Ciudad Real, Spain -- Audiovisual exposition about the shrine of Torreciudad

“Everything beautiful belongs in a museum.” With these words the Cultural Consultant for the Ciudad Real city government inaugurated an audiovisual exposition entitled “All generations shall call me blessed,” which was held last October at the Lopez Villaseñor Museum in Ciudad Real.

The exposition, centered on devotion to Our Lady of Torreciudad, displayed an innovative digital system of sounds and images on large photographic panels with explanatory texts, six audiovisual monitors and a large scale model of the shrine and its surroundings. Especially prominent was an exact reproduction of the sculpture of Our Lady of Torreciudad, the origin of which dates to the eleventh century.

During the inaugural ceremony, the rector of the shrine emphasized that St. Josemaría had asked Our Lady of Torreciudad to perform interior miracles, rather than external ones. Thus many visitors, as the dean of the Cathedral of Ciudad Real also noted, go to the sacrament of Penance when they arrive at Torreciudad and find, through our Lady, peace and hope, and meaning for their lives.

Romana, n. 49, July-December 2009, p. 349.

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