
Other publishing news

Juan Manuel Mora, until recently the Director of Communications for Opus Dei and now Vice-rector at the University of Navarra, has published a book in Italian and Spanish. In it he analyzes the reaction of the Church and in particular of the Prelature of Opus Dei to the movie “The Da Vinci Code.” La Chiesa, l’Opus Dei e il Codice da Vinci: un caso di comunicazione globale [The Church, Opus Dei and the Da Vinci Code: a case of global communication] was published in Italy by Edizioni Università della Santa Croce and in Spain by EUNSA publishers.

The German publisher Adamas has published An der Seite eines Heiligen [At the Side of a Saint], a translation of the book by Salvador Bernal entitled Recuerdo de Álvaro del Portillo.

On the occasion of the Year for Priests, the publisher Ares has brought out the third edition of Consacrazione & Missione del Sacerdote, the Italian version of Escritos sobre el sacerdocio, a collection of essays by Bishop Del Portillo.

The book Eucaristia y vida cristiana, by Bishop Javier Echevarría, has been published for the first time in Portuguese by the publisher Diel, in its Colecção Éfeso.

The publisher Wydawnictwo Salwator of Krakow has published Zwyczajna praca, nadzwyczajna laska: moja dchowa droga z Opus Dei, the Polish version of Ordinary Work, Extraordinary Grace: My Spiritual Journey in Opus Dei, by Scott Hahn. The author explains in this book the spirit of Opus Dei through the personal experience of his conversion to Catholicism and his later incorporation into the Prelature.

Almost in parallel with its Spanish translation (Vosotros sois la luz del mundo, cf. Romana, no. 48, p. 129), there has been published in German, its original language, the book Ihr seid das Licht der Welt: die Berufung zum Opus Dei, erklärte für junge Menschen (Adamas Verlag, Cologne), by Martin Rhonheimer, about the vocation to Opus Dei.

Also by Martin Rhonheimer, Scepter Publishers of New York has published Changing the World: The Timeliness of Opus Dei, a translation of Verwandlung der Welt: Zur Aktualität des Opus Dei (2006).

Scepter has also published On Retreat with St. Josemaría Escrivá by John O’Dogherty, a translation from the original Polish edition.

In La fortaleza de una mujer fiel: Laura Busca Otaegui, Hilario Mendo tells the story of the wife of Dr. Eduardo Ortiz de Landázuri (1910-1985), who died with a reputation for sanctity (as did her husband) nine years ago.

Romana, n. 49, July-December 2009, p. 330-331.

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