
Other new publications

Alvaro del Portillo: Un hombre fiel, by Javier Medina Bayo, Madrid, Rialp, 4th and 5th Spanish printings. The 2nd Mexican printing of this book by the publisher Minos has also appeared.

Como sal y como luz, [Edited by José Antonio Loarte], Alvaro del Portillo, Bogotá, Procodes. 1st Colombian edition. The 1st Mexican edition, published by Minos, has also appeared.

Vivir la Santa Misa, Javier Echevarría, Mexico City, Minos, 4th Mexican printing.

Sobre Dios, la Iglesia y el mundo, Fernando Ocáriz and Rafael Serrano, Madrid, Rialp, 2nd and 3rd Spanish printings. The 1st Mexican edition by Minos and the 1st Brazilian edition by Quadrante of São Paulo have also appeared.

Reacção em Cadeia. Memorias de vida e projectos de Eternidade, Elina Morais Neves, Lisbon, Diel.

Echando raíces: José Luis Múzquiz y la expansión del Opus Dei, John F. Coverdale, Madrid, Rialp, 3rd Spanish printing.

Romana, n. 57, July-December 2013, p. 286.

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