
Message of October 1st

My dear children: may Jesus watch over my daughters and sons for me!

During September in Rome we dedicated some days to reflecting on the need for and challenges of Christian formation in our day and age. Among other aspects, we recalled our Father’s conviction that the formation given in Opus Dei should be aimed at “forming Christians filled with optimism and drive who are capable of living their divine adventure in the world” (Letter, 2 October 1939).

Let us live—and help others to live—with the hope-filled optimism of knowing that we are not relying only or mainly on our own poor strength, but on God’s grace (cf. Mt 28:20). Let us act with drive, not giving in to inertia, and being ever attentive to the voice of the Holy Spirit (cf. 2 Cor 3:6). Thus we can set forth each day, with holy daring, on the adventure of bringing Christ’s friendship to all men and women in the context of ordinary life (cf. Mk 16:15).

Now as we draw near to a new 2nd of October, these considerations can help us to continue fostering in ourselves and in many other persons optimism and drive in undertaking the adventure of putting Christ at the summit of all human activities.

Finally, I ask you to pray for the fruit of the Extraordinary Missionary Month that Pope Francis has convoked and for the Synod of Bishops which will begin within a few days in Rome.

Your Father blesses you with all his affection,

Rome, 1 October 2019

Romana, n. 69, July-December 2019, p. 254-255.

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